
The song Ojo Di Bandingke Farel Prayoga is set in sociology, especially the theory of social movements

Everyone swayed when Farel Prayoga sang the song Ojo Di Bandingke. This Banyuwangi little vocalist repeated twice because the wobble became more delicious when stopped. This is proof that music can unite (momentarily) social groups of diverse social backgrounds, especially music that is held by a ruling authority.

Why is the song Ojo Di Bandingke composed by Abah Lala which was staged at the end of the 77th Anniversary celebration session?

Social movements occur because there is a feeling in society in which there is a social gap. Wealth, freedom, and justice are compared between one social group and another. This feeling of inequality can drive social movements. It's just that the measure of whether or not a social gap is relative. Senjang for a person in one social group, is not necessarily considered a gap for another social group.

Comparing is a key word in awakening feelings to do a social movement together. When they find that they should be prosperous, but in fact they are not, then that's when they will be encouraged to do social movements. Social movements can be in the form of expressing opinions in squares, government offices, and on highways across cities in order to protest demanding that they do not experience deep gaps with other groups. The social values that are fought for are justice and social welfare. The objects demanded can be in the form of access to enjoy the results of natural wealth, equitable distribution of promotion programs, and the availability of other public services. The song Ojo Di Bandingke is a dampener of a social movement. If the keyword drives social movements to compare, then ojo di bandingke (not compared) means that there is no impetus for social movements. Despite the presence and absence of social inequality, the slick song that was staged to entertain the participants of the 77th Anniversary was an invitation not to do social movements.

There is one more thing that requires a social movement to happen, namely the mobilization of resources. Resources can drive social movements. Those resources can be in the form of money, vehicles, buildings, offices, people, and friendships. In the celebration of the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, it appears that there is no mobilization of resources to carry out social movements. All seemed obedient in enjoying the entertainment of the song that could spark a wobble.

But it doesn't seem to be in that direction that the entertainment presented by Farel Prayoga at that time. There is a lyrical message directed actively to anyone not comparing the achievements of President Jakowi. Whether it is true or not, please watch the video.

Next, check out this video clip of Ojo Di Bandingke Varel Prayoga Created by Abah Lala. 

Is that so?

The author is Suhadi, Sociology Teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Pamotan Rembang, Central Java 

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